Mohamed Derardja

Web Developer, Python Developer, Machine Learning Developer

my picture

About me

I am a highly skilled Backend Developer and Machine Learning Engineer with a master's degree in Intelligent Computer Systems, specializing in building robust and scalable solutions with advanced technologies. With 3 years of experience, I excel in backend development, intelligent systems, and data analysis.

Proficient in Python, Java, and Php, I have expertise in designing RESTful APIs, implementing efficient database schemas, and ensuring data integrity and security. I have successfully delivered various backend projects, from large-scale enterprise systems to API development for mobile applications, following software development best practices.

My master's degree equipped me with a strong foundation in intelligent algorithms, machine learning, and data analysis, enabling me to integrate intelligent systems into backend applications for data-driven decision making and automation. My master's final project focused on interpreting scenes by exploiting their high features.

Collaboration and effective communication are paramount in my work philosophy. I collaborate seamlessly with cross-functional teams, translating complex business requirements into technical specifications to deliver high-quality solutions that exceed expectations.

As a lifelong learner, I stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. I seek opportunities to leverage my expertise in backend development and intelligent systems to enable organizations to harness the power of data for improved decision making and operational efficiency.

My technical skillset

Throughout my academic journey at University and my professional career, I have cultivated proficiency in a diverse array of programming languages and frameworks, leveraging this extensive knowledge for various purposes and projects.


Throughout my Master's degree, and my 3 years of professional experience, I have honed a deep expertise in Python. This versatile programming language has been a cornerstone in both my academic and professional endeavors, serving as a powerful tool for a myriad of applications and projects.


Throughout my academic journey, spanning 5 years at the university, I have demonstrated proficiency in Java. This programming language has been a constant companion during my entire university tenure, enriching my skill set and enabling me to tackle a diverse range of academic challenges.


During the culmination of my Bachelor's degree, I delved into the realm of C# and applied my skills to develop a unique application. This project involved utilizing steganography techniques to seamlessly insert media mediums, such as text or files, into images. This hands-on experience with C# not only showcased my ability to bring innovative ideas to fruition but also underlined my commitment to pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve.


Throughout my entire five-year tenure at university, I actively engaged with the C programming language, crafting a multitude of programs and scripts for diverse purposes. This extensive experience has not only fortified my proficiency in C but has also instilled in me a deep understanding of low-level programming and algorithmic problem-solving. It lays the foundation for my ability to create efficient and optimized solutions in various computing environments.


In my final year at university, I delved into Perl, specifically focusing on its application in Constraint Programming module. This experience not only enriched my understanding of Perl but also equipped me with valuable insights into leveraging the language for complex problem-solving scenarios. Through the exploration of Constraint Programming, I honed my skills in crafting efficient and elegant solutions to intricate challenges.

HTML & CSS & JavaScript

In the final year of my Bachelor's degree, I laid the groundwork for web development by studying the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This foundational knowledge blossomed into practical expertise during my three-year career as a web developer. My proficiency in these core technologies has been instrumental in delivering polished and engaging user experiences.


During my Bachelor's degree, I laid the foundation for PHP by studying its fundamentals. However, despite a solid understanding of the basics, I haven't had the opportunity to apply PHP in a professional environment during my career thus far. My academic exposure, nonetheless, provides a robust groundwork, and I remain open and eager to leverage PHP in future professional endeavors.


Over the course of my career, I have actively engaged with Git and GitHub. Starting as an acquaintance, my interaction with these tools has evolved into a solid proficiency. I leverage Git and GitHub to streamline collaborative workflows, ensuring version control, code integrity, and seamless collaboration within development teams. This experience has become a cornerstone of my professional practice, emphasizing the importance of efficient and collaborative code management.

Docker & Kubernetes

I solidified my expertise in containerization and orchestration technologies through dedicated coursework in Docker and Kubernetes. This theoretical foundation quickly translated into practical experience, especially with Docker, as I engaged with it extensively on a daily basis during my professional journey. Leveraging Docker for containerization, I've streamlined development processes, enhanced deployment workflows, and fostered an environment of consistency and scalability.


As a backend developer, Flask has been a cornerstone of my toolkit throughout my professional journey. I've consistently leveraged the Flask framework to architect robust and scalable web applications. This experience spans a variety of projects, showcasing my proficiency in utilizing Flask to design and implement efficient backend solutions, seamlessly integrating with diverse frontend technologies.


While I have taken a comprehensive tutorial on FastAPI to familiarize myself with its features and capabilities, I have yet to find the opportunity to apply it in a professional environment. The tutorial provided a solid foundation, showcasing the framework's potential for building efficient and high-performance APIs. I remain eager to integrate FastAPI into my professional endeavors, leveraging its strengths for future projects and expanding my expertise in modern web development frameworks.


Although I haven't had the chance to work with Django in a professional environment, I invested time in a comprehensive tutorial to acquire a thorough understanding of its functionalities and capabilities. This immersive experience equipped me with a strong foundation in Django's architecture, highlighting its power in building robust and scalable web applications. I am eager to apply my knowledge of Django in future professional endeavors, leveraging its capabilities to create sophisticated and feature-rich web solutions.


Despite not having the opportunity to incorporate Symfony into my professional projects, I dedicated time to undergo a comprehensive tutorial, deepening my understanding of its features and capabilities. This immersive experience provided me with a solid foundation in Symfony's architecture, emphasizing its ability to create robust and scalable web applications. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of applying my acquired knowledge of Symfony in future professional contexts, leveraging its strengths to deliver sophisticated and efficient web solutions.


While my professional experience with React has been limited to handling basic tasks, I have invested time in self-learning to grasp its fundamental concepts and functionalities. This exploration has given me insights into React's capabilities for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Although my hands-on experience is currently at a foundational level, I am keen to expand my proficiency in React and apply it more extensively in future projects, aiming for the development of sophisticated and interactive front-end solutions.

My projects

Throughout my academic journey and professional career, I've been actively involved in building and collaborating on a diverse array of projects. These endeavors span various domains, showcasing my passion for applying technology to solve real-world challenges. Below, I highlight a selection of projects that demonstrate my skills, creativity, and commitment to delivering impactful solutions.

My work experience

  • Web Developer @ Immo Media | December 2020 - Present

    As a dedicated professional in software development, I excel in a multifaceted role where my daily tasks revolve around delivering impactful solutions and continually enhancing the technological landscape. My responsibilities encompass a diverse range of categories:

    • Feature Development: I am proficient in crafting and delivering new features tailored to meet the dynamic demands of our discerning customers. This involves a keen understanding of their requirements and translating them into robust, customer-centric functionalities.
    • Module Improvement: I specialize in the refinement of existing platform modules, as well as custom project modules. This includes adeptly resolving bugs and elevating the quality of code to enhance overall system performance and user experience.
    • Collaborative Support: My commitment extends beyond individual projects as I actively contribute to the success of the entire development team. I provide invaluable support to fellow developers, fostering a collaborative environment that accelerates project timelines and ensures the collective success of our endeavors.
    • Deployment and Backup: Ensuring the seamless deployment of projects to production environments is a pivotal aspect of my role. Additionally, I implement robust backup strategies, safeguarding projects against unforeseen challenges and ensuring data integrity.

    In my capacity, I specialize in a spectrum of features, including:

    • Restful API Development: I create robust and efficient Restful APIs, catering to diverse requirements and ensuring seamless communication between different system components.
    • Email Event Setup and Template Creation: I orchestrate the setup of new email events, complemented by the creation of meticulously designed templates, enhancing communication channels and user engagement.
    • Asynchronous Task Management: Proficient in implementing asynchronous tasks for various purposes, such as intricate matching algorithms. This ensures optimal system performance and responsiveness.
    • Custom Admin Views: I respond to dynamic demands by developing custom admin views, incorporating functionalities like data import, processing diverse file formats, data export, and comprehensive admin notifications.

    Technological Expertise: My skill set is anchored in cutting-edge technologies, including Flask, Python-eve, SQLAlchemy, Docker, Git, and PostgreSQL. Through continuous learning and adaptation, I remain at the forefront of industry best practices, delivering solutions that are not only effective but also future-proof.

    In summary, my role is characterized by a commitment to excellence, a proactive approach to problem-solving, and a passion for leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency.